The Art of Waiting – Angels

Hear the message from the angels to you today.

Don not be afraid, there is hope!

Angels are the catalyst for much of the Christmas story.  They appear to Zechariah first, Mary, Joseph and finally the shepherds.  Each time they come with a message (angel comes from the latin word for messenger which in turn comes from ancient Greek and Mycenaean words for messenger or courier).

The encounters with angels in the Christmas stories often begin the same way. Zechariah is startled and gripped with fear, Mary is troubled and the shepherds are terrified.  The response from the angels to this reaction on these occasions is always the same .

Do not be afraid!

Fear can be debilitating, it can stop us in our tracks, it can prevent us from stepping out of our houses. Fear is often linked to the unknown.  We are often most scared of that which we do not know or are uncertain of.  Yet the angels remind us that we don't have to be afraid all the time (it's good to be a little afraid some times).  Just because something is unknown or uncertain doesn't mean we should be fearful of it.

The second thing the angels do is share some good news. They bring hope to those they speak too.  After the year many of us have had we definitely need some hope.

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